Become Accredited Now!



Choose yes if you are staff and the agent has applied for accreditation, even if that application is not yet completed.
Please contact us on 0845 370 0107 or 01423 873399 (if using inclusive minutes) to arrange special access for staff of agents who are already accredited with us wishing to complete the course for the two thirds requirement. Also contact us if the main agent has currently applied for accreditation but not yet been fully completed as we can still set up a temporary staff option.
To passport into our scheme select "yes"

From 26 November 2016, Landlord Accreditation Wales (LAW) has ceased to exist and has been replaced by registration and licensing operated by Rent Smart Wales. We are therefore no longer able to accept passport accreditations from the LAW scheme. We may be able to offer the training conditional for your licence.

If you are wanting to add staff of an agent, please contact us on 01423 873399 or 0845 370 0107 (local rate)
If 'yes', you should ensure you are logged in on the next page to ensure you obtain the discounted rate.
If you are wishing to add staff, please contact us on 01423 873399 or 0845 370 0107 (local rate) to make arrangements
Select the 'staff working for letting agent' if you work for a letting agent currently registered with us (or about to be registered with us.)