We are pleased and proud to announce that we have been awarded a licence to be an accreditation supplier for the London Rental Standard.
We’ve known for a while now but have been waiting for the actual physical licence agreement to turn up in the post. This hasn’t happened yet but we have been categorically assured all is good and that we can announce.
The London Rental Standard (LRS) is an initiative by the Mayor of London – Boris Johnson designed to set new standards and help people renting in the private renting sector in London.
A landlord or agent needs to first become accredited through a licensed provider of the LRS such as the Private Rented Sector Accreditation Scheme (PRSAS). Then, landlords or agents with properties in Greater London can display the LRS badge to show they meet the standards.
There are many other benefits to being accredited with the PRS Accreditation Scheme such as discounted annual subscription to the Guild of Residential Landlords, regular news updates provided by the same, discounted deposit protection fees, discount buildings insurance and much more ….
The London Rental Standard product offered by the PRS Accreditation Scheme is a FREE add on for all its accredited members who have one or more properties in the Greater London area.
Accreditation is without doubt gathering momentum throughout England and Wales and sometime in 2015 it will even be law that every landlord and agent in Wales take the same training as accreditation provides currently.
Tenants looking for rented property in London are being encouraged to try and look for a London Rental Standard landlord or letting agent during their decision making process.
Accredited landlords and agents will automatically be added to the London Rental Standard product in due course but if you want to get it right now, use this link.
Subscribers to the Guild of Residential Landlords can become accredited for a discounted rate of £10.00. After which, all renewals are at a discounted rate (currently £70.00, normally £80.00). See here for more details.